The English Premier League's season is approaching its nail-biting finale. Will Manchester City retain their title or will Liverpool pip them to it?
Over here at Premier Art, we are organising an art contest entitled "My Favourite Soccer Star" to join in the fun and excitement.
Following are the terms and conditions of the contest:
Title: "My Favorite Soccer Star"
A. Entries: Open to all students of public and private Colleges/Universities (Category A) and all students of public and private Secondary / High Schools (Category B).
B. Prizes for Category A Champion (College/University)
i) one set of Winsor & Newton Cotman Water Colour 8ml (12 tubes) worth RM177.30.
ii) and, another colour set of your choice (up to RM200) from Premier Art Online Store (www.premierart.com.my).
C. Prizes for Category A Champion (Secondary/High School)
i) one set of Winsor & Newton Cotman Water Colour 8ml (12 tubes) worth RM177.30.
ii) and, another colour set of your choice (up to RM200) from Premier Art Online Store (www.premierart.com.my).
D. Colouring Medium: Using water colours, acrylic or oil colours on paper or canvas.
E. Size of Painting: Free Size.
F. Contest Terms & Conditions
i) the participant is required to provide the following details with their entries:
Name, Age, Form/Year of Study, Name of School/College, Home Address and Telephone Number.
ii) each participant may only send in one entry,
iii) the participant is required to take a photograph of their painting and email the photograph to contest@premierart.com.my before the end of the closing date of 20 May 2019.
iv) the participant is required to write in less than 30 words why they like the player.
v) the organizer reserves the right to use the photographs of the paintings submitted by participants for purpose of contest results announcements and other promotional use.
vi) the decisions of the contest judges are final.
G. Judging and Announcement of Contest Results
Judging will be done by Premier Art's panel of judges within 7 days of the contest's closing date. Announcement of contest results is expected to be posted at Premier Art's Facebook Page on 28 May 2019.
Premier Art, as contest organizer would like to thank all participants for taking part in this contest.